Amy gathers from her various yoga experiences to provide a class best described as a Iyengar influenced vinyasa. She fills the practice with lighthearted fun and relaxation and you are sure to leave your mat with a fresh outlook on life.
Amy has studied with various teachers and sages throughout India during her six-month journey there, most notably at the Iyengar Yoga Institute in Pune. Her time at the Institute continues to be one of her greatest inspirations.
Amy began teaching in 2003 and completed her initial teacher training in the tradition of Ashtanga Yoga and the Primary Series at Yoga Hawaii with Rupali Emvry and Prem Carlisi. With Rupali’s encouragement Amy had the privilege of studying with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and his son Sharath Ragamsway.
Amy thrives on expanding her knowledge of all corners of yoga and so has taken every opportunity to train under the best teachers. She studied the art of sequencing in her advanced vinyasa training with Shiva Rea.
Later she continued her education of Iyengar yoga with teacher training at the East Honolulu Yoga Center with Elaine Chung who shared with her the importance of compassion as well as dedication in the practice and teaching of yoga. She then went on to explore yoga therapeutics with senior Iyengar teacher Kofi Busia who she continues to study with today.
Amy returned home to the New York area to be close to her family, and to fulfill her duty in her most important job as Aunt to her 3 nieces and nephew who bring her more joy with each passing year.
Currently Amy is influenced by Sharon Salzberg’s teachings on compassion and loving kindness and welcomes the opportunity to continually take the role of humble student. She has continued to grow her toolkit of knowledge to serve her students. In recent years Amy has become certified in Thai massage, studied Yoga Anatomy with Leslie Kaminoff, and began studying Sanskrit under Manorama this year.